Last Assignment – Valuing the Volunteer

I close the year with my last assignment for unit Valuing the Volunteer ZAA214, with one more assignment to go for another unit my time studying the Associate Degree in Applied Business comes to an end.

Studying this unit has been very rewarding for me personally – I got to investigate further into an organisation I have interest in. In 2019 with free time from no uni studies and once my workplace has calmed down after the busy Summer/ Christmas, I plan on volunteering for different organisations as well as the Dogs’ Home of Tasmania.

For this last assignment I was unable to present my findings to the DHOT due to a personal busy schedule, however, I did present to the long-term volunteer I interviewed; Kate. Who enjoyed the campaign and stated that it could attract further volunteers. This campaign I may present in 2019 when I become a volunteer. Although it will not be involved within my uni studies, I believe helping the organisation regardless of an assignment outline will go further.

Here is a PowerPoint presentation of what I would have present to the organisation:
Dogs’ Home of Tasmania Presentation

Below is my interview with Kate, which inspired me to continue helping the organisation and inspired me to create the campaign as to how it is.

Kate, 25, volunteer of the DHOT for over 3 years:

What motivated/inspired you to volunteer for the Dogs Home of Tasmania initially?
I started volunteering for the DHOT as a foster carer a few months after my beloved family dog was hit by a car. She was my best friend for 12 years and the news of her death hit me really hard. We adopted her from the Burnie home, so the organisation already had a special place in my heart.

What now motivates/inspires you to continue volunteering?
Knowing that I am giving the dogs from the home opportunities to feel loved and wanted, even if it’s just for a few hours or a day. Both of my pet dogs; Bella and Zayd are from DHOT and have been a big part of my life and I’m sure I’ve played a big part in theirs. It’s the feeling of having a full heart and feeling like I am part of something that motivates me.

What is the key aspect kept you volunteering for the organisation?
While I can’t foster anymore because my partner and I have two dogs of our own (both adopted from the DHOT) I still volunteer with the home as much as I can. These dogs are often given as puppies for Christmas or birthday presents and then given up on as they grow older. Sometimes families will buy a dog without really thinking about how suitable it is to their lifestyle, a Kelpie in a townhouse with a balcony and no backyard? Not really ideal, that dog will probably end up at the DHOT because it is “rowdy” or “boisterous” or “destructive”. The volunteers and staff I’ve met since starting my volunteering with DHOT are all truly amazing and likeminded people who genuinely care about these dogs and finding them suitable homes. It makes my heart feel fuller to know that I personally have helped more than 35 dogs in my few years of volunteering.

Would you/have you recommended volunteering to friends and family? And why?

I have recommended and will continue recommending DHOT to my friends and family. There is always room for another volunteer dog walker, or foster carer and it’s an amazing feeling to be a part of something like this. My heart feels fuller every time I get notified of a dog I’ve spent time with getting adopted. I’ve never been more thankful to be a part of something, and I want everyone to be able to feel this.


kate and zaydKate with Zayd, who she adopted from the DHOT.










My campaign for the DHOT

Campaign Poster DHOT – ZAA214

My analysis of the campaign for the DHOT

Analysis – Assessment 3 – ZAA214





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